Due Diligence &
Business Information Reports on
Singapore based suppliers

Accelerate business with comprehensive Singapore Supplier Due Diligence.

china supplier due diligence

Reduced Risk of Fraud in Singapore Supplier Partnerships


SignalX helps identify potential red flags, such as bankruptcy or legal disputes, to reduce the risk of fraud and unethical behavior in Singapore supplier partnerships.

Supplier Due Diligence

In-Depth Understanding of Singapore Suppliers through Due Diligence


SignalX offers a comprehensive understanding of Singapore-based suppliers through due diligence reports, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about their capabilities and reliability.

Comprehensive Public Data Screening


SignalX provides comprehensive Singapore supplier due diligence reports, giving businesses a complete view of their potential partner’s financial stability, legal history, and reputation.

Supplier Due Diligence

Ensure Compliance with Regulations


SignalX helps businesses ensure that their Singapore-based suppliers are in compliance with relevant regulations, including labor laws, environmental regulations, internal anti-bribery, and corruption policies, anti-money laundering regulations, global sanctions, and more.

Supplier Due Diligence

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Advanced Public Data Screening for 200+ Risk and Compliance Checks on Singapore based counterparties

With SignalX’s trusted and carefully curated databases, powered by AI, you can assess the risk of your Singapore-based vendors, suppliers, and business partners to generate a composite risk score. Our platform is trusted by the world’s top compliance and audit teams, giving you the peace of mind you need in today’s complex and ever-changing business landscape:

Credit Rating
Business registration details
Branches and Subsidiaries identified
Capital Structure and Shareholder Information
Global Sanctions Check
Trademarks and Patents - Only recent filings are provided
Key Managerial Personnels / Principals including their backgrounds (KMP)
Facilities and Properties
Number of employees
Import and Export Status
Credit Record
2 yr Financial Information
Changes in Registration details such as business scope, directors, registered capital etc
Lawsuit and Negative Records
Political Exposure Checks
Adverse Media Checks
Global Law Enforcement Watchlists
Banking Information Records


SignalX is built by a team of technologists with the goal of making it safer for you to do business. We power some of India’s top Forensic, Procurement, Valuation and Due Diligence teams. Our products are used in industries like M&A, Corporate Compliance, Valuations, Risk and more.

SignalX sources its data from datasets managed by government bodies, regulators, courts, publicly available media, and various other third-party datasets. We’re continually expanding our sources to enable us to generate new analyses such as fraud prediction, credit ratings, and compliance profiles.
On top of the collected data, SignalX runs its proprietary machine learning algorithms to reduce false positives and infer meaning. SignalX does not look into any data points that are not made publicly available by the target company or by other parties either through the media or through their regulatory filings.

Yes! We’re one of the most comprehensive risk analysis and due diligence platforms. Our analysis ranges from essential financial checks to complex analyses such as corporate governance checks and insolvency prediction. We’re constantly developing new features to help you protect your business from unforeseen risks posed by third parties. You can ask your assigned analyst to include specific data points, to help you meet your requirements.

Yes! You can maintain your third-party list on our platform and automate monthly, quarterly, or bi-annual automated screenings. You will be notified about your reports as and when they are generated.

Yes! Our analysts will help you customize the reports so that it meets your reporting standards. You can also use the default reporting format available on the platform.

Yes! We can provide you with API access to our screening plaform which you can use to integrate with your internal systems. We charge an additional one-time set-up fee for the API access which includes developer consultation hours.

You can use SignalX’s Third-Party Risk Assessment solution on a pay-as-you-go model, only paying for the reports you consume. You can also avail subscription plans that are tailored to suit your specific needs. We transact with global clients and accept digital payments via credit/debit card.

That depends! You may want to check with your industry regulator for the KYB reporting requirements. If you’re in IT Services or Manufacturing, a bi-annual check is a healthy option.

Yes! Monitoring services are included in the custom package. You will be notified when a specific signal is detected on your counterparties via email. You can request our analyst to set up custom signal alerts based on your specific requirements.

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