Enhanced Due Diligence Automation on Investors & Customers
Designed specifically for AIF managers, CA, and CS professionals, SignalX enables thorough screening of investors and customers before onboarding. Our comprehensive suite of checks includes financials, litigations, ownership structures, business history, tax compliance, market reputation, wilful defaults, and more to assure PMLA compliance.
Indian regulators require detailed legal, and regulatory default and blacklist screenings as part of the enhanced due diligence process for PMLA and SEBI compliance. SignalX provides access to data from over 200 regulatory and thousands of third-party sources, generating robust and unbiased enhanced due diligence reports on individuals, businesses, and associated parties.
SignalX supports enhanced due diligence checks across 100+ countries making it suitable for AIF managers and professional service providers to screen both domestic and foreign customers and investors.
Due Diligence Teams Enabled
Entities and Promoters Assessed
Indian regulators now expect practicing professionals such as AIF managers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, and Cost and Works Accountants to comply with the expanded scope of the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act (PMLA) and SEBI guidelines. This entails a new era of due diligence, including Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) checks for specific transactions, and stringent KYC protocols.
Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) under India’s Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) requires certain professionals to conduct deeper scrutiny into customer transactions to prevent financial crimes. This involves analyzing patterns in high-value and foreign transactions, maintaining detailed records for at least five years, and investigating wider aspects like regulatory defaults and company affiliations. The aim is to strengthen compliance, protect clients, and help combat money laundering and other financial crimes.
Chartered Accountants (CA), Company Secretaries (CS), and Cost and Works Accountants (CWA) in India are required to conduct due diligence on their customers under the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act (PMLA). Now classified as ‘reporting entities,’ they have to meet stringent compliance obligations such as verifying client identities, maintaining transaction records, and performing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) for certain transactions. This is crucial to detect potential money laundering, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect the integrity of their professions and the overall financial system.
SignalX offers a comprehensive due diligence solution that extends beyond standard Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks. It uses artificial intelligence to provide Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) checks, including deep screening of financials, litigations, ownership structures, and more. Furthermore, it screens connected companies and individuals for an in-depth risk assessment. By accessing data from over 200 regulatory and thousands of third-party sources, SignalX provides a thorough, unbiased overview of individuals and businesses. This detail and rigor make SignalX a more robust tool for regulatory compliance than typical AML checks.